National Anti-Terrorism Day 2024: Date, Origin, and Significance

national anti terrorism day.

National Anti-Terrorism Day is a critical recognition in India, committed to recollecting the penances of the people who have lost their lives to illegal intimidation and advancing the upsides of harmony, solidarity, and security. Here is an extensive outline of the date, beginning, and meaning of National Anti-Terrorism Day2024.

Date and History

National Anti-Terrorism Day 2024 will be seen on May 21st, denoting the commemoration of the shocking death of Rajiv Gandhi, India’s most youthful State head. Rajiv Gandhi was killed on May 21, 1991, in Sriperumbudur, close to Chennai, by a self destruction plane from the Freedom Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE). His death was a critical occasion that highlighted the staggering effect of psychological warfare on people and society.

Rajiv Gandhi filled in as State leader from 1984 to 1989, following the death of his mom, Indira Gandhi. His endeavors to reestablish harmony in Sri Lanka by conveying Indian peacekeeping powers in 1987 stressed relations with the LTTE, which at last prompted his death during a political race rally in Tamil Nadu.


The recognition of National Anti-Terrorism Day was started by the public authority of VP Singh in 1991, soon after Rajiv Gandhi’s death. The day fills in as a sign of the need to bring issues to light about the damaging effect of psychological oppression and viciousness on society. It accentuates the significance of solidarity to advance harmony and concordance the country over.


National Anti-Terrorism Day aims to:

  • Raise Awareness: Feature the serious outcomes of illegal intimidation on society and the significance of keeping up with harmony, solidarity, and security.
  • Honor Sacrifices: Honor the survivors of psychological warfare, including previous Top state leader Rajiv Gandhi, and recognize the penances made by people in the battle against illegal intimidation.
  • Promote Vigilance: Urge residents to stay cautious against fanatic exercises and backing the country’s endeavors to battle psychological warfare.
  • Reaffirm Commitment: On this day, government workplaces, public area endeavors, and other public foundations across India make an enemy of psychological warfare vow, reaffirming their obligation to protecting the country’s lines and advancing public solidarity.

Quotes for National Anti-Terrorism Day

Here are some inspiring quotes to reflect on the values of peace and unity on National Anti-Terrorism Day:

  • “Terrorism has no nationality or religion.” – Vladimir Putin
  • “We will not tire, we will not falter, and we will not fail.” – George W. Bush
  • “No cause justifies terrorism.” – Manmohan Singh
  • We cannot and will not allow the actions of a few to overshadow the values and ideals that our nations represent.” – Barack Obama
  • “Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding.” – Albert Einstein
  • “In the face of terrorism, we must not only protect our citizens but also defend the values that make our societies free and just.” – Angela Merkel
  • Victory over terrorism requires the collective effort of all nations united by a common goal of peace.” – Narendra Modi
  • In the fight against terrorism, we must uphold the principles of human rights and the rule of law.” – António Guterres

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