National Dengue Day 2024: Understanding the Signs, Symptoms, and Complications of Severe Dengue

National Dengue Day is noticed yearly on May 16 to bring issues to light about dengue fever, its counteraction, and the serious difficulties that can rise out of extreme cases. Dengue is a mosquito-borne viral sickness that is normal in tropical and subtropical regions.

Symptoms of Dengue Fever

Dengue fever commonly causes gentle side effects lasting one to fourteen days. Normal side effects include

  • High fever Body
  • Aches Joint and muscle pain
  • Nausea Vomiting

What is Serious Dengue?

Severe dengue, otherwise called dengue hemorrhagic fever, is a basic sickness that requires prompt hospitalization. It can make critical harm veins, prompting complexities, for example, inward draining and shock.

Signs and Side Effects of Extreme Dengue

The side effects of serious dengue ordinarily seem 24-48 hours after the fever dies down and include:

  • Severe stomach pain
  • Pale and cold skin.
  • weakness.
  • bleeding gums.
  • vomiting.
  • fatigue.
  • restlessness.

High-Hazard Groups Individuals who have had dengue before are at a higher gamble of creating a serious endless supply of Serious Dengue Severe dengue can prompt a few perilous complications:


Brought about by a huge drop in blood pressure.

Internal dying:

Because of harm to veins and a radical decrease in platelet count.

Organ disappointment:

Harm to fundamental organs due to serious infection.


Extreme cases can be deadly without brief clinical intervention.

prevention of dengue:

Preventing mosquito chomps is the best method for controlling the spread of dengue. This includes:

  • using mosquito repellents
  • wearing long-sleeved clothing.
  • ensuring that residing regions are liberated from stale water where mosquitoes breed.


On NATIONAL Dengue Day 2024, it is pivotal to spread mindfulness about the signs, side effects, and entanglements of extreme dengue. Early discovery and brief clinical consideration can forestall extreme results and save lives .

READ MORE –Kerala Health Department Issues Alert as West Nile Fever Cases Rise

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