Kerala Health Department Issues Alert as West Nile Fever Cases Rise


Cases of West Nile fever have been reported from three districts in Kerala. A direction has been issued to strengthen cleaning and awareness activities.

The Kerala HEALTH division has given an alarm after instances of West Nile fever were accounted for in Malappuram, Kozhikode and Thrissur locale.

In a gathering to control the spread of West Nile fever, Kerala HEALTH MINISTER Veena George gave a bunch of directions to region clinical officials and nearby government bodies to heighten cleaning and disinfection exercises in the state.

A heading to reinforce mindfulness exercises was likewise set up. The Area Vector Control Unit has gathered examples from various pieces of the state and sent them for testing.

Beginning around 2011, West Nile fever has been accounted for in different areas of Kerala, so there is compelling reason need to stress, the wellbeing clergyman said. The wellbeing priest likewise mentioned that anybody with a fever or different side effects ought to look for treatment right away.

Mosquito control and source obliteration are essential to forestall West Nile fever.

HEALTH MINISTER Veena George added that despite the fact that side effects of West Nile fever are practically like Japanese fever, it isn’t as significant. Be that as it may, be cautious, she said.

She added that individuals ought to keep their homes and environmental elements clean. Make a point not to utilize deteriorated water.


West Nile fever is brought about by the West Nile infection, which is spread by the Culex mosquito. Be that as it may, it isn’t generally so risky as Japanese fever. Japanese fever normally influences youngsters under 18, while West Nile fever influences grown-ups. Both are mosquito-borne infections.

An immunization is accessible for Japanese fever, not really for West Nile fever.

West Nile fever is principally communicated by mosquitoes having a place with the variety Culex. Birds are additionally contaminated. This infection was first found in 1937 in Uganda. The illness was first detailed in the state in 2011 in Alappuzha.


The principal side effects are cerebral pain, fever, muscle hurts, discombobulation and cognitive decline. A great many people who are tainted frequently don’t encounter side effects. Certain individuals experience side effects like fever, migraine, retching and tingling. In 1% of individuals, cerebrum harm can prompt obviousness and once in a while, death. However, the demise rate is generally low contrasted with Japanese fever.

Counteraction AND TREATMENT

There is no medication or immunization accessible against the West Nile infection. The treatment includes overseeing side effects and steady consideration.

Staying away from mosquito chomps is the best type of counteraction. Wearing dress that covers the body, utilizing mosquito nets, applying mosquito repellent balms, utilizing mosquito nets and electric mosquito repellent gadgets are successful. Mosquito source annihilation can forestall contamination. Don’t self-sedate as it can convolute the infection.

West Nile fever is reparable whenever treated early.

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